Giannis Chicken Burgers
Giannis Chicken Burgers

Giannis Chicken Burgers

Vendor Biography

At Gianni’s, we never ever administer antibiotics to our poultry because of issues surrounding their overuse. On top of that, we don’t believe it’s necessary. Instead, we work with a family farm who has been using the same practices since 1835 to promote the well-being of their flocks and keep them in good health

Gianni’s is dedicated to trust and transparency throughout our operation. Our poultry is only fed a high-quality, fortified diet of vegetarian grains. Like our loyal customers, we know that vegetarian feed means better taste because poultry absorbs flavor from food.

From farm to fork, our poultry is raised in accordance with globally-recognized animal welfare standards. Our expert farmers carefully monitor barns for ventilation, air and lighting quality, and temperature. We make sure our flocks have access to fresh feed and water and have plenty of room to roam. Certified animal welfare specialists visit our family farms regularly to ensure our high standards are being met.

While the United States still permits the use of added growth hormones or steroids in beef, they have been banned in poultry and pork for some time. Still, many customers aren’t aware of this. We are happy to reassure our loyal customers that Gianni’s products are never ever given growth hormones or steroids.